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These rules are applied to the restriction of organization and management of Chung-Buk university institute of agricultural science technique (from now on we call it "institute").

The institute executes the following business.
 1. Research for the basic study of agricultural parts.
 2. The business of the technology for agricultural field bottleneck and high-tech research.
 3. The business for developing the local and overseas agriculture.
 4. Publish collection of papers and host seminar and symposium of agriculture.
 5. Other related business.

①Take a seat on chief on the institute which was appointed by president of the teacher whose level is more than
an associate professor of our school.

① Put a heat energy research center, north area agriculture consulting center, effect of the years joint center, bio industrial management consulting center, agriculture product part, agriculture environmental part, agricultural processing part, management information part and planning and management part in the institute.
② There is a center manage and part manager in each center and part, and they are appointed by chief among the full-time lecturer of our school, its term of office is 2 years, but could be reappointed.
③ The duty of each center and part were divided like followings.
    1. Heat energy research center: Research for rural heat energy, agricultural power, and
    2. North area agriculture consulting center: Management consulting for north area's agriculture
        of Korean peninsula and develop the resource.
    3. Effect of the year joint center: Research for ecology through effect of the years, measuring
        an age of old wood and restoration of ancient climate.
    4. Bio industrial management consulting center: Support the establishment and business
        agent of agricultural enterprise and bio industry, support the marketing and management
    5. Agriculture product part: Research for the animal and plants concerned.
    6. Agriculture environmental part: Research for protect the
        agriculture circumstance and protect the animal and plants.
    7. Agricultural processing part: Research for use and processing of main and sub
        products of agricultural livestock.
    8. Management information part: Research for agricultural management and information.
    9. Planning and management part: Planning work for management of institute and publication
        for collection of learned paper, academic recital, business for develop the local agriculture
        and business for international cooperation.

① It could be putting a research worker, full-time research worker, special research worker, and assistant worker in the institute.
② The research worker was appointed by chief among the teacher whose level is more than a full-time lecturer of our school.
③ Full-time research worker were appointed by president according to the recommendation of chief among the possessor of doctor's degree.
④ Special research worker appointed by chief among the outsider who has got certification of full-time lecturer.
⑤ Assistant worker appointed by chief among the possessor of more than bachelor's degree.
⑥ It could be put a desk worker for treating a paper work of institute.

① Put a management committee (from now on we call it just "committee") for checking the important point of institute management.
② The committee was consisted less then 15 person including the chief as a natural position, and the chairman must be chief.
③ The committee member were appointed by chief among the full-time lecturer of our school, its term of office is 2 years, but could be reappointed
④ The committee review the following things.
    1. Management plans for institute.
    2. The establishment of rule, opening and closing.
    3. Agree to the appointment of each research worker and advisory person.
    4. Budget and settlement
    5. Select and estimate of research task
    6. Publish a collection of learned papers and open the academic recital
    7. Others (about the concerned of institute management)
⑤ The committee conference were held by participate of more than one half of total members, and with the concurrence of two-third or more of the members present.

① Put an advisory committee for the purpose of advising work about institute business.
② The advisory committee consist of less than 5 person including the just before and present agricultural college president and just before chief as a natural position whom were appointed by chief, but could be reappointed.

The finance of institute had been appropriated from the research service fee, research subsidy given from nation or supporter group, or other incomes.

If the other necessary things are needed, then reviewed by committee, then conformed by chief independently.
Additional rules (establishment 1979. 5. 28 regulation 61)
The rules are executed from May 28. 1979.
Additional rules (revision 1991. 5. 18 regulation 273)
The rules are executed from May 17. 1991.
Additional rules (revision 1992. 10. 1 regulation 318)
The rules are executed from September 24. 1992.
Additional rules (establishment 1997. 4. 30 regulation 436)

① (enforcement date) The rules are executed from the day of promulgation. But applied from March 1. 1997.
② (progress rules) The chief who was appointed before this rules gain enforcement, considered to be appointed by this rules.
③ (Abolished rules) it is abolished by Chung-Buk university agricultural collage institute of attachment rural heat energy rules.
Additional rules (revision 2001. 8. 3 regulation 567)
The rules are executed from the day of promulgation.
Additional rules (revision 2004. 4. 6 regulation 653)
The rules are executed from the day of promulgation.

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